Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Whatever Lies Before Me

Sunday morning and we're in church. We'd missed a couple weeks, so it was good to be in a crowd of believers. The worship music was top notch, and one of my favorites was leading. We started singing a popular song - 10,000 Reasons - and the line that normally trips me up completely knocked me off balance and flat onto my face in a matter of seconds.

The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning
It's time to sing Your song again
Whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me
Let me be singing when the evening comes

So often I start my day with a quiet time and by the time I eat lunch I'm playing the "Where's God" version of Where's Waldo? In the busy-ness of the day I lose sight. I forget my purpose. I get off track or just leave Him in my dust. So when I hear this verse, I always try to make it a prayer that I would stick with God all day. I also love the thought that somehow, in some small way, the life I live sings a song about God. I tell His story. Granted, I don't do it well always, but just the promise that He chooses to use me to sing HIS song
means a lot to this girl.

But this day the poke at my heart was a little different. This Sunday, God wasn't going to wait for the message to get my attention. He had something very personal and urgent to say to me with these familiar words. As they were on my tongue, the thought crossed my mind, "This isn't how I pictured it." I was talking about life, of course. It's not the way I planned it.

Don't get me wrong. My life is good. My life is great. I have more than I could ask for and certainly more than I deserve. But there are a few circumstances that are not the way I want them to be. I've prayed and worked toward a different end. Even now I pray continually for a change. I suppose if you've taken a breath today you can relate.

What we plan, what we hope for, what we expect to happen does not always turn out. Sometimes it goes the opposite direction. I'm there in a couple areas of my life. And so on this Sunday morning, with this song, God asked me, "Whatever passes, whatever lies before you, will you sing my song?" In other words, are you with me through this? Do you trust me even though this isn't what you asked for?

My mind went straight to Daniel's friends: Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. Life for them certainly did not pan out the way they planned, but they make a statement of faith in Daniel 3 that surpasses all others. "Our God is able to do what we ask, and He will do it, BUT EVEN IF HE DOES NOT, He is still God." That's my paraphrase.

These 3 men were remarkable. They were Jewish nobility. They were entitled to thrones and honors and riches in Israel. Then Nebuchadnezzar came and captured them. They went from princes to slaves. They were moved to a foreign land, they were given new names, they were trained to serve rather than be served. Their worlds went upside down. Everything they expected from life was tossed out. All they worked for, all they trained to be was for naught.

Then one day things went from bad to worse. They angered the king they served. Their lives were on the line. At this point, death might not have been a bad option, but it was the method of death they were facing that would have scared them: a furnace of fire. Ouch! And yet, when faced with circumstances far from anything they had ever hoped or planned for, their faith stood firm. "This isn't what we intended, but then again, we are not God. He knows best."

Their faith was unshaken. They knew that no matter where they were in life and what they faced, that God was still on His throne. These events that transpired had not taken their Sovereign Lord by surprise. He was not quickly making up a Plan B. He was the only God who was able to rescue them from this powerful king, so now would be a foolish time to abandon their faith in Him.

This is close to where I am. Not at the edge of a fiery furnace, but facing something that only God can change. The thing staring me in the face is so big, scary and devastating, that no one can challenge it and win except God. I didn't invite this thing into my life, at least not intentionally, but it's here. Only God knows why. I've asked Him to take it quickly, but He hasn't. Only God knows why. While it's in front of me, it seems to be growing, and only God knows why. He knows if and when it will go. He knows why it's here. He knows what it's doing to me.

What He wants to know is will I sing His song through this long day to the very end? Will I sing His song if this thing stays before me?

Many verses come to mind to support this idea. Many reasons why faith must not waiver in the face of trials or unplanned circumstances come to mind.

Here are some things to consider.

1. If we only trust God when He does what we want, who is really our god? Are we not asking Him to serve us instead of us serving Him? Saving faith believes God - who He is and what He promises - and acts in obedience to Him. God is not to be manipulated. If we tell God we will follow Him if He does what we ask, we misunderstand who is in control.

2. God is sovereign. He does sit on a throne, and nothing that happens on earth shakes His position. He does not get caught unaware. He does not sleep or go on vacation. He sees all. He knows all. Nothing comes our way without being sifted through His hands of love. Hagar found God saw her in the desert when she and her son were fleeing for their lives. The woman at the well found God knew her past and had written her future.

3. Our trusting God in the midst of tough, unexpected circumstances does not mean we do not grieve or suffer. Nehemiah heard his home had been destroyed. His people were suffering. He longed to go home and be of some use. He wept, he lost sleep, he did not eat for days. Through all his grief and anguish, he cried out to God, who in time made a way. Expressions of grief or sorrow are not statements of faithlessness.

4. God sees the end from the beginning. We often assume the present IS the end. We are impatient to see the story play out. We can't see past today. Even death is not the end as far as God is concerned. Ask Lazarus. Ask the widow who's son was raised on the way to his burial. Don't give up on God being able to work. Don't assume He is running out of time. God owns time.

5. Our unconditional faith in God says He has the right to rule our lives. He has that right because He made us. We can trust Him to rule our lives because He loves us. We know He loves us because He sent His Son to die for us so we could know Him and live with Him as sons and daughters. He promises to work all circumstances for our good. Good is defined by God, not by us. Good has to do with eternity not necessarily with the present moment or with pleasure.

This flood of hope poured over me through the rest of the song. The thoughts came so quickly, and I had no way to record them, and I was afraid I'd lose them before I got to where I could write. Before I knew it, it was time to sit and hear the sermon. That too was full of truth and hope, but my mind kept drifting back to these thoughts. At the end of the service, we sang It Is Well With My Soul.

Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say
It is well, It is well with my soul

Life is bound to land us in some place we never meant to be at some point. When standing at the edge of that furnace door, we will do well to say, "My God is able, and whether or not He does what I ask of Him, He is still God."

"Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that You are the Holy One of God." John 6:68. Amen.


  1. Thanks for this, Teresa. God has been working in my life in some of the same ways. Last year around this time, I had to come to the point where I could say to God, "You are good no matter what. I will follow You no matter what - even if the path you have for me leads me to more cancer or suffering or pain. I am Yours and want to bring You glory and honor." It wasn't easy, but I am a better person for it.

  2. Thanks for your comment. Cancer is certainly a fiery furnace of its own. Your commitment to God in such difficult circumstances brings Him much glory and encourages those who see you living out your faith. May the Lord richly bless you with long life and courage to continue to following Him.
